Sequoias Adult Education Consortium Partners
Partners with our Mission
Partner organizations were identified by the Consortium Board through an application process. These organizations are all valuable contributors to planning process and each of them fund or provide adult education in our community. If your organization is interested in becoming a partner, please contact us at
ABLE Industries
An adult school contractor that trains adults with disabilities in vocational skills and vocational rehabilitation.
As the Community Action Agency for Tulare County, CSET’s purpose is to reduce the causes of poverty by providing individuals with education and job training as well as facilitating youth leadership and community development. CSET's education and job training programs include two Employment Connection offices and a satellite as a service provider for the Tulare County WIB, as well as Title V for Kings/Tulare Area on Aging, the Sequoia Community Corps, and a number of programs through Tulare County HHSA.
Dinuba Unified School District
Dinuba Unified operates an adult school and is a member of a neighboring adult education consortium.
Kings County JTO
As the Kings County Workforce Investment Board, Kings JTO provides career counseling, job search assistance, links to apprenticeship opportunities and career training funds to adults in Kings County.
Kings County Rehab
A community based organization that provides education for adults with disabilities on community living skills and occupational skills.
Tulare County Library
The Tulare County Library provides tutoring and support programs for basic skills, GED preparation, and ESL as well as computer skills courses. Additionally, they provide Learning Express, an online resource to assist with basic skills, ESL, job searches, resume building, and interview skills as well as research resources related to other educational programs.
Porterville Unified School District
Porterville Unified School District operates an adult school and is a member of a neighboring adult education consortium.
A community based organization that provides ESL courses, GED preparation courses, ABE and GED testing, short term CTE training and pre-apprenticeship courses in Kings and Tulare Counties.
Tulare County Sheriff's Department
The Tulare County Sheriff’s Department funds education programs for inmates including GED, Adult Basic Skills, English as a Second Language, life skills and occupational skills programs.
Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County
The WIB provides career counseling, job search assistance, links to apprenticeship opportunities, and career training funds to adults. Additionally, the Tulare WIB provides funding for group-sized training and engages with employers, COS and Tulare County school districts on sector based strategies.

The Sequoias Adult Education Consortium is a regional organization covering parts of Tulare and Kings County in California whose mission is to facilitate the alignment and collaboration of adult education.