Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Reinventing Adult Education

The Sequoias Adult Education Consortium was established in the spring of 2014, bringing together adult education providers in School Districts and the College of the Sequoias to develop a regional comprehensive plan to better serve the educational needs of adults in our region. The consortium covers parts of Tulare and Kings Counties and its membership is made up of the College of the Sequoias and the ten school districts within the geographic boundaries of the college district. Additionally, the consortium includes partner organizations representing local community agencies and community based organizations.

The goal of the Consortium is to better provide adults with education in the following program areas:

  1. Elementary and secondary basic skills, including classes required for a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate
  2. Classes and courses for immigrants eligible for education services in citizenship and English as a second language and workforce preparation classes in basic skills
  3. Education programs for adults with disabilities
  4. Short-term career technical education programs with high employment potential
  5. Programs for apprentices

For more information about the Sequoias Adult Education Consortium CLICK HERE.

About the Career Pathway Tools

The Sequoias Pathway Tools were developed to allow exploration of the educational and career pathways available in the region. Use these tools to explore pathways and determine what steps you need to take in order to achieve your educational and career goals.


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Sequoias Adult Education Consortium Website


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