Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Our Regional Planning Process

Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

The Consortium board is made up of the member school districts’ superintendents and the College of Sequoias’ president. In addition, consortium members assigned representatives to participate on a Task Force to manage the planning process. The Consortium board meets monthly and oversees the planning process. Partner organizations participate in monthly meetings and are an integral part of the planning process.

The Task Force will strategically address the planning process and hold regular meetings. Additionally, sub-groups have been established that are made up of a cross section of adult education experts include faculty and administrators from school districts and the College of Sequoias as well as representatives from partner organizations. 

Meet our regional members and partners.

Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

The Sequoias Adult Education Consortium is a regional organization covering parts of Tulare and Kings County in California whose mission is to facilitate the alignment and collaboration of adult education.


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