Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

Spring Summit 2016

Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

April 29, 2016 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Visalia Convention Center

The Sequoias Adult Education Consortium was established in the spring of 2014, bringing together adult education providers in School Districts and the College of the Sequoias to develop a regional comprehensive plan to better serve the educational needs of adults in our region. CLICK HERE for a list of consortium members. The consortium covers parts of Tulare and Kings Counties and its membership is made up of the College of the Sequoias and the ten school districts within the geographic boundaries of the college district. Additionally, the consortium includes partner organizations representing local community agencies and community based organizations. CLICK HERE for a list of partners.

The summit will be a chance for stakeholders to come together to understand what activities SAEC has engaged, coming work to be done, and to develop understanding of key strategies. Participants will work on the SAEC Pathways Mapping Tool and engage professional development opportunities to facilitate the success with adult learners. The event will be held at the Visalia Convention Center and there is no cost to participants.  Please RSVP via the link below to save your seat.




Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

The Sequoias Adult Education Consortium is a regional organization covering parts of Tulare and Kings County in California whose mission is to facilitate the alignment and collaboration of adult education.


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